Day 6 – First Saturday of the Dig – by Michael

I’m Michael Sherry an Archaeology & History Student from Southampton. I’m most looking forward to experiencing a site which has both early modern archaeology as well as Roman and Iron Age finds.

27th July 2013

First Saturday of the Dig

With everyone feeling rejuvenated after the trip to Hampton Court the day before, we began work on Saturday morning with high spirits. However, the threat of rain soon put everyone on edge and the weather threatened to ruin the Young Archaeologists Society’s visit to the site. Luckily for everyone the rain held off and Saturday proved to be a highly productive day.

Hard at work

Emily also found a clay pipe which got everyone excited for a short time until it was realised the pipe is most likely another re-enactor’s replica. The pipe is a replica of a pipe made to commemorate the sanctioning and construction of the Manchester Ship Canal (1885 – 1920)

Replica pipe found by Emily

Young Archaeologists Club

Chris’ “Young Archaeologists Society” paid a visit to the site and the restoration of the ring work. They enjoyed the activities set up and ran by various students, as well as getting a hands-on archaeological experience when they were allowed to trowel for a while in one of the trenches. They barely lasted twenty  minutes before complaining about sore knees and feet, and saying how they empathise with those who had been digging for a week.

Archaeology in action

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